MISS UPPER CUMBERLAND SNOW QUEENCumberland County High School2025sat25jan11:00 pm11:00 pm
Event Details
Miss Upper Cumberland Snow Queen Saturday, Jan 25th, 2025.Registration begins at 10:00, pageant will start at 11:00 in the gym at the Cumberland
Event Details
Miss Upper Cumberland Snow Queen Saturday, Jan 25th, 2025.
Registration begins at 10:00, pageant will start at 11:00 in the gym at the Cumberland County High School 660 Stanley Street.
Registration begins at 10:00, pageant will start at 11:00 in the gym at the Cumberland County High School 660 Stanley Street.
Age Division:
- 0-11 months
- 12mo-23mo
- 2-3 years
- 4-6 years
- 7-9 years
- 10-13 years
- 14-17 years
- 18 & up MS
- 18 & up Mrs
Modern Women
Ms. Spectacular
Humanitarian/People's Choice
Ms. Spectacular
Humanitarian/People's Choice
We will have a Ms. Spectacular for every age, they will all receive a crown and sash.
This is a semi-glitz pageant. This event will be beauty only. Please keep hair and makeup age-appropriate, no flippers, please.
- Queens: Queens in each division will receive a beautiful crown and sash! 1st, and 2nd alternate will receive a crown.
- People’s choice (optional): $1 per vote. Contestants may collect votes prior to the pageant and the contestants 0-9, 10, and up both will win a crown.
- Divisional Side Awards: Prettiest Hair, Prettiest Eyes, Best Dress, and Prettiest Smile will each receive a certificate.
Humanitarian Project-Carley's Caring Crown will be taking up items for children in foster care to make Easter baskets. Examples small toys, hairbrushes, fingernail polish, hot wheels, hygiene items, etc.
Door Admission: Contestants and one adult get in free, Adults $5.00, Children $3.00, and Children 5 and under free.
Entry Fees:
Beauty and Side Awards $50
Photogenic (optional) included
Photogenic (optional) included
Miss Upper Cumberland Snow Queen
Beauty $50_________
Photogenic ________
Hair Color______________
Eye Color_______________
Favorite Song___________
Favorite movie to watch during winter_____________________________________
Favorite thing about winter_____________________________________
Phone Number_____________________________
Beauty $50_________
Photogenic ________
Hair Color______________
Eye Color_______________
Favorite Song___________
Favorite movie to watch during winter_____________________________________
Favorite thing about winter_____________________________________
Phone Number_____________________________
I agree to abide by all the rules and guidelines and show respect to my fellow contestants and pageant staff. I understand that any fees paid are nonrefundable and nontransferable. I understand the director, Ashley Turner, the pageant venue, and volunteers/staff are not held responsible for stolen or damaged items or any injuries or illness that may occur before, during, or after the pageant. I acknowledge that I have read and understand the pageant rules and regulations.
Parent/Guardian Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
Entry fees may be sent via Venmo to @ashley-turner-534 or PayPal [email protected] with your contestant's name, age, and pageant name please use friends and family or you will be responsible for the 4% fee. Completed forms may be filled out and sent to [email protected].
January 25, 2025 11:00 pm
Cumberland County High School
660 Stanley Street
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