Phyllis Parham

Funeral Services will be held at Crossville Memorial Funeral Home, December 4th, 2022 with a Visitation in the Main Chapel from 11 AM – 1 PM and will have a funeral service at 1 PM. Family and Friends will Lay Ms. Phyllis to rest in Green Acres Memorial Gardens following the service.

Current Month

HARRIMAN CITY WIDE KARAOKE NIGHTHarriman City Hall2025sat25jan6:00 pm6:00 pm

MISS UPPER CUMBERLAND SNOW QUEENCumberland County High School2025sat25jan11:00 pm11:00 pm


3B Media
105.7 The HOG / Spirit 101.9/ 93.3 The Ranch
94.1 The VIBE / 98.9 The WOLF
37 South Drive
Crossville, TN 38555

Phone: 931-484-1057
Fax: 931-707-0580