Tennessee continued to see rainfall in some areas of the state. Temperatures and humidity are again on the rise.
Over the last two weeks, producers have seen conditions improve significantly for corn though decreased yields
are still expected. Cotton and soybeans also look good, but soybean plants are reportedly short and
expected to have low yields. Unfortunately, nitrate levels in corn for silage and hay are still testing high in some
regions of the state. Additionally, several reports of armyworms are present. Some of the eastern counties in the
state remain under dry and drought conditions ranging from D0 (abnormally dry) to D1 (moderate drought) with
fewer southern counties in D2 (severe drought) conditions. Statewide, there were 5.3 days suitable for fieldwork
last week. Topsoil moisture was 4 percent very short, 25 percent short, 66 percent adequate, and 5 percent
surplus. Subsoil moisture was 8 percent very short, 25 percent short, 64 percent adequate, and 3 percent