On Monday, Deputy Morgan Alvarez of the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office attempted to conduct a traffic stop on Highway 70 North. Just outbound of Ray Hodgens Road on a gray Toyota SUV for the driver not wearing a seat belt. At this time, the deputy initiated lights and the vehicle took off at a high rate of speed which is when the deputy turned on the sirens, and the vehicle started passing several vehicles into oncoming traffic.
And around the 2300 block of Pomona Road, one lane of traffic was shut down due to workers was Volunteer Energy Cooperative and Service Electric working on power lines. There were five workers out working on the lines and two workers in their trucks pulling out when the vehicle had to swerve into oncoming traffic to miss hitting the workers and their vehicles. Still driving at a high rate of speed and very recklessly. Speeds were approximated at around 80 mph.
The vehicle then turned onto Claysville Road, barely making the turn and drove through a field where the male driver then exited the vehicle and took off into the woods on foot. City K9 officer O’Neil responded and assisted tracking the male subject through the woods.
There was a phone recovered inside the vehicle belonging to Marcus Braddam, and the phone screen cover photo was of Braddam and a female.
Dispatch informed the deputies that a woman had just called in stating her gray Toyota Highlander was stolen which matched the description of the vehicle the deputies were out with. A check through dispatch confirmed Braddam’s driving license was revoked, and he had an active failure to appear warrant from Cumberland County.
K9 Officer O’Neil tracked him to the backside of his sister’s residence on Claysville Road then later to his aunt’s residence. Officer O’Neil advised his K9 needed a break and he was not picking up the man’s scent anymore.
This is when Corporal Brandon Griffin and Deputy Alvarez believed Braddam had crossed the road and was at his mother’s home. Sergeant Ashburn spoke to Braddam’s sister who said she would open the door for the deputies to check the residence. After being allowed inside, Braddam was found in the living room hiding underneath the couch.
He was placed into custody and transported to the Cumberland County jail for booking where he was served with his active failure to a peer warrant as well as being charged with driving on a revoked/ suspended license, evading arrest, and reckless endangerment.