The Tennessee Highway Patrol will be conducting sobriety checkpoints in Fentress County this Friday (October 27, 2017) in the evening hours on Highway 127 at White Oak Street in Jamestown. Troopers will also have checkpoints set up in Cumberland County at the intersection of Highway 101 (Lantana Road) and Highway 70 in the evening hours. The Tennessee Highway Patrol recognizing the danger presented to the public by intoxicated drivers, Troopers will concentrate their efforts on vehicles being operated by intoxicated drivers who would violate the driving under the influence laws of Tennessee. The Tennessee Highway Patrol has found these sobriety checkpoints to be an effective means of enforcing the driving under the influence laws of Tennessee while ensuring the protection of all motorists. By publicizing checkpoints, law enforcement agencies are following the letter of the law. In 1990, a legal challenge came up and the attempt was made to deem checkpoints unconstitutional. The United States Supreme Court ruled 6-3 that they were constitutional but they mandated that checkpoints must be publicized ahead of time. If the police don’t publicize a checkpoint it can be considered a detention without reasonable suspicion, and that violates fourth amendment rights.