TVA is asking all electric power consumers to reduce their use of electricity as much as possible until further notice.
HUB is asking consumers to: Postpone using electric appliances; Reduce use of air conditioning or heating; And turn off lights and all other electrical equipment not needed.
Our area is experiencing record-setting low temperatures this week, and HUB, along with TVA, is taking steps to ensure continued safety and reliability for our customers. One of the ways you can help is by conserving critical electrical energy. Under these extreme cold temperatures, your heat pump will struggle to maintain higher thermostat settings. We recommend setting your thermostat to a few degrees lower than you may normally; say 66 or 68 degrees (F). You can also reduce the load on the electrical system by turning off lights in rooms you’re not using (and “decorative” lights), taking fewer hot showers, waiting till your dishwasher is completely full before running a load, and/or delaying running washing machines and dryers. HUB is not suggesting you discontinue use of critical systems such as medical equipment or heating. Helping us by following these simple steps should ensure TVA can continue to provide reliable electric service during this weather event.