Motor vehicle crashes continue to be a leading cause of unintentional injury and death to children under the age of 14. Child restraints (car seats) reduce the risk of death in passenger cars by 71% for infants and 54% for toddlers. The correct use of booster seats can reduce the risk of injury by 59% when compared to seat belt use alone. Safe Kids Worldwide finds that 4 out of 5 cars seats are not being used correctly.
To address these concerns and help families in the Rhea County community, the Rhea County Sheriff’s Safe Journey Program and the Rhea County Health Department will be hosting a Car Seat/Booster Seat safety Check-up Event.
On Saturday, March 9, 2024, from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. partners from both agencies will be available to speak to caregivers at the Rhea County Health Department located at 344 Eagle Lane in Evensville, Tennessee.
Is your child in the safest option car seat? If in doubt, find out! Make plans to come and speak with a certified car seat technician. Certified CPSTs are specially trained individuals who are knowledgeable in child safety seat installation and best use practices. They provide support and guidance to caregivers with child safety seat questions and concerns.
There is strong evidence that child passenger laws in combination with educational programs offered by certified car seat technicians increase the effective use of car seat and booster seats for children.
For more information or questions, please contact the Rhea County Health Department at 423-775-7819 or Safe Journey at 423-775-4665
Pictured from left to right: Patricia Caldwell (Rhea County Health Dept.), Robin Williams (Safe Journey), Carol Rucker (Safe Journey), Lisa Creesman (Rhea County Health Dept.), Corey Jordan (Rhea County Health Dept.) Kimberly Akins (Rhea County Health Dept.)